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Welcome to Camarillo Canine. The first week of training is very important. Be consistent. Practice the place and down commands for up to five seconds in duration before releasing the dog for food, then add distractions, then distance.

Week 1

  • Only feed the dog by hand, when training, and never for free.
  • Keep the dog on leash when training (or all the time, if needed).
  • Don't pet the dog unless they're lying down.
  • Don't let the dog on furniture or in your room until any behavior disorders are resolved.
  1. Lead dog into place with the leash, mark and reward.
  2. Lure and cue the dog down, mark and reward.
  3. Call dog to come, grab their collar, mark, reward, and release.
  4. Add command names place, down, and come after the dog performs behaviors consistently through luring.
  5. Stop using the lure when the dog responds to only leash cues.
  6. Increase the dog's duration in the position to at least 5 seconds, then begin adding distractions, like food, toys, or calling the dog's name.
  7. Add distance last and continue training in new environments, adding distractions while the dog is lying down.
  8. Change reward interval to variable, only rewarding after some markers, and transition to voice-only cues.


  • Dog should learn down from place and come drills. Use treats and / or leash cues to lie the dog down with his nose been his paws or until his elbows and haunches touch the ground. mark, reward, and release.
  • Mark and reward the dog while it is lying in the down position to build duration. 
  • Gradually build duration, distraction, and distance lying down.


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Curriculum for your dog

Here are the 3 most important commands to teach your dog:

Foundations - Duration Touch, Stay in motion, and Out.
Basic obedience - Train your dog with 5 seconds of duration, then with distractions, then distance.
Other Tricks and Skills - Help your dog to excel.
  • Shaping, targeting, luring, and leash cues
  • Training service dog obedience requires trick dog creativity!
Behavior Modification - Impulse control will save your dog's life.
  • Directed attention, off-leash walking and recall

Curriculum for you

Make your dog training last a lifetime

Handling - Lead your dog like an expert.
  • Correctly use leash pressure and avoid common mistakes
  • Become the best trainer for your dog
Training - Teach your dog new skills.
  • Balance dog training with a healthy diet.
Conditioning - Prepare your dog for success.
  • Build your dog's drive and desire to learn and listen.
  • Discover how to train without treats using positive reinforcement.

Our Training Philosophy

Camarillo Canine makes dog training safe, fun, and fulfilling for you and your dog. We focus on effective and reliable solutions that put your needs first.

The Fundamentals - Building your relationship.
  • Learn to use classical and operant conditioning; train using markers, commands, and reinforcement.
  • Train dogs utilizing things they enjoy.
Training your Dog - Build a bond that lasts a lifetime.
  • Learn luring, shaping, and targeting to create behaviors.
  • Camarillo canine gives you and your dog what you need: Knowledge, dedication, and consistency.
Dogs learn better at Camarillo Canine, where dog training, education, and rehabilitation help you preserve what matters most.
Camarillo Canine provides dog training in greater Ventura County and adjacent counties in Southern California, including Camarillo, Fillmore, Moorpark, Ojai, Oxnard, Port Hueneme, Santa Paula, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks, San Buenaventura (Ventura), and more.


Contact Isaac DeHart, dog trainer in Camarillo, CA for the best pet dog and puppy training, private animal services, and behavior therapy.